Linux Commands

Linux Commands

Basic Linux Commands used In DevOps.

Table of contents

Linux Command

Touch command
  • This command is used to make files.

touch  file.txt


  • This command is used to make multiple files.

touch file{1...5}.txt


Remove command
  • This command is used to remove files that start with a name file you can put any name instead for the file.

rm file*


Move Command
  • This command is used to change the folder names or move the older folders to new folders.

 mv folder1  folder2
Echo Command
  • This command is used to print anything.

 echo "I am Mohit Singh"
Chmod Command
  • This command is used to give permission to the file.

 chmod  FileName

-Ex: chmod 777 file name1

Disk Command
  • This command is used to check disk space in the PC.

 df -H
Mkdir Command
  • This command is used to make a new directory.

 mkdir folder2
Remove Directory Command
  • This command is used to remove the directory.

 rmdir folder2
Ls -la Command
  • Lists files and directories with detailed information like permissions,size, owner, etc.

 ls -la
Cat Command
  • This command is used to make a file and also is used to show what is inside the file.

 cat > filename
cat filename
  • The first command is used to make the file and the second command is used to show what content inside the file